Despite a year of record-breaking temperatures, there is one region of the globe, in the North Atlantic Ocean just south of Greenland, where the temperature remains below average.

This phenomenon is being called the "Atlantic Blob," is structurally similar to its Pacific Blob counterpart, which is instead experiencing abnormally high temperatures, feeding the El Niño cycle that is currently under way there. The Atlantic blob is believed to be caused by the flow of cold water from melting glaciers in Greenland, the melt of which is being exacerbated by above-average temperatures.
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An investigative reporting team has unearthed powerful evidence that oil and gas corporation Exxon conducted extensive scientific research in the late 1970’s through the 1980’s, that illustrated how their company’s products would dramatically change the Earth’s climate. Then they went to great efforts to bury the issue.

In extensive interviews with former Exxon employees, scientists and government officials, along with hundreds of pages of internal documents from Exxon, reporters at InsideClimate News (ICN) have discovered that Exxon (now ExxonMobil) conducted extensive research into global warming through increased carbon dioxide emissions between 1977 and 1986, in an effort to understand the impact their product would have on the Earth’s environment. read more

Meteorological officials in the United Kingdom are warning that the upcoming winter season could arrive early, and see both record snowfall and low temperatures. The conditions are expected to either reach or surpass conditions in the winter of 1962-63, when temperatures plunged to -20ºC.

The cause for this bleak forecast is due to the recent weakening of the Gulf Stream current in the North Atlantic, of which would normally bring warm water to the UK from further south. This situation is also being exacerbated by the current period of reduced solar output, and may be affected further by the super-El Niño currently being experienced in the Pacific.
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Two new climatological studies are warning about the potential for a scenario similar to what was depicted in Whitley Strieber and Art Bell’s book ‘The Coming Global Superstorm’. Both studies investigate the potential impact of freshwater from melting ice from the Arctic and Greenland: one focusing on the potential future impacts, and the other, how the deep past was affected by the same conditions.

The first study, from the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany, used computer modeling to determine the effect that a rapid thaw of Greenland’s glaciers, of which would dump massive amounts of fresh water into the North Atlantic, would affect the Atlantic’s currents.
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