Environmentalists say that cattle ranching should become athing of the past, since cows passing gas (methane) are amajor source of global warming and farming cows is also awasteful use of land. At least we now know that cattle donot need antibiotics if they’re grass fed, since it’s thefeedlot corn that causes their infections. But how areastronauts going to eat steak in space? NASA has discoveredthat small amounts of edible meat can be created in a lab.In fact, lab grown meat may be the food of the future forall of us.
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Newswise – You may not realize this, but your saliva fights toothdecay. It can also be used to diagnose diseases, and notonly diseases of the mouth. This is good news for those ofus who hate blood tests and can’t afford expensive CT scansand MRIs. Dental expert David T. Wong says, “?We’re lookingat the possibility of diagnosing high impactdiseases?[saliva can be] a potential diagnostic tool topaint an insightful view of the body’s health.” So what’sthe connection to raisins? It tuns out they are an excellentfood for a healthy mouth.
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Newswise – With shellfish beds from Maine to Cape Cod coast closed fromthe largest algae outbreak in 12 years in Massachusetts Bay,scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI) are studying the algae that causes these “red tides.”Red tides are caused by overgrowth of an algae that isnaturally present in the water. Reasons for the overgrowthare not always known, but nitrogen fertilizer washing downfrom farmland into the water during rain storms is oneprobable cause. Shellfish contaminated with the red tidetoxin, if eaten in enough quantity, can cause illness oreven death.
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Newswise – The Mayo Clinic reports that yogurt is surprisingly goodfor you. One 8-ounce cup of plain low-fat yogurt providesaround 400 mg of calcium, more than the 300 mg in an 8-ounceglass of milk. Yogurt also has as much potassium as a bananaand as much protein as an egg or ounce of meat. To makeyogurt, warm milk is fermented with two types ofbeneficialbacteria. Yogurt is also more digestible than milk forpeple who are lactose intolerant. And the The live bacteriain yogurt aid in digestion. But don’t rule out apples?eatingan apple a day can protect you from breast cancer!
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