UPDATE: CIA medical officer Christopher "Kit" Greene has posted an extensive comment on the Above Top Secret website about his efforts to obtain John Burroughs’ records. He makes specific statements about what caused John’s injuries that confirm that the source was unknown.

Linda Moulton Howe
Earthfiles.com Editor
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When in his final tweet as a presidential adviser, John Podesta said that he was disappointed that he had been unable to achieve release of still secret UFO files in 2014, the general media at first assumed that it was a joke. When his past record on the subject became clear and it was realized that he wasn’t joking, most outlets fell silent. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal were all silent. And yet it’s major news when a man of Podesta’s stature, not to say his access to classified documents, says something like that.
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When it comes to museum shows, UFOs seem to be the latest thing. Area 51, about 80 miles north of Las Vegas, was once one of the most secret places in America–so secret that the government denied it even existed. Maps were altered so that its name never showed. We still don’t know what really went on there, but now, thanks to the new Area 51 exhibit now open at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, we may soon know more.
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