Six cattle have been found mutilated across three counties about 98 miles (158 kilometers) north of Houston, Texas, over the month of April, with each body featuring textbook cattle mutilation injuries, such as precision cuts, removed tongues, a bloodless carcass and indications that the bodies were dropped from the air. On April 19, the Madison County Sheriff’sread more

Linda Moulton Howe has made a breakthrough–she has finally, after more than thirty years of trying, gotten one of the Montana sheriffs most involved in the cattle mutilation investigations to tell the truth about what he saw and how he understands it. He begins by telling about being invited to Malmstrom Air Force Base to observe the radar track of an object that was appearing during the time that the mutilations were taking place–and finding himself asked to leave the radar room by mysterious individuals in black uniforms who were from off-base, much to the embarrassment of the colonel who invited him.
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There has been a genetic harvest going on here on Earth at least for hundreds of years. It primarily involves cattle. Linda Moulton Howe has been researching it in depth for 35 years, and she and Whitley have discussed it many times on Dreamland.

This time, by analyzing what has happened recently, and above all, where it has and has NOT happened, they are able to draw some conclusions about it that make a lot more sense than the usual speculation that the animals are being ‘studied’ or that it’s all being done by the government or by cults.

This discussion will open your mind about one of the enduring mysteries of our time, and take you down some new paths that lead closer to a solution than ever before.
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AS OF 12:45 PDT 08/23/13, DREAMLAND STREAM REPAIRED. Cattle mutilations are back with a frightening vengeance, and the strangeness is so high that it is literally off the charts. Animals dropped from a height, entire brains missing and these bizarre findings are just the beginning. Extensive veterinary testing is only deepening the mystery. No longer are ranchers and most law enforcement spreading absurd ‘coyote’ stories. The mutilations are now an admitted mystery, and so bizarre that many whose animals have been victimized will say openly that they believe in a high strangeness explanation for the problem.
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