Two Wisconsin Unknowncountry readers filed this report of a close encounter with a triangle UFO on the night of October 7.

Date of Sighting/Encounter: October 7, 2012
Time of Sighting/Encounter: 8:20 P.M.

Location of Encounter: In Langlade county Wisconsin West of the town of Langlade.

Details of Encounter: On highway 64 traveling east my wife and I saw what looked like a plane or jet. Upon further observation the craft stopped and hovered over the side of the highway over some trees. We pulled the car over to see that it was triangle shaped with about 12 lights on each side. There was also a lit triangle with a half sphere towards the center of the craft. All the lights on the craft were pulsing very bright cool white, about 300 feet above the ground. As we both looked directly at the craft and the lights stopped pulsing but stayed lit. The top of the craft appeared to be backlit, with a halo of light coming from the top. We were both so awe struck that sadly and unfortunately we were not able to take a picture. It was so close and so vivid it was an image I’ll never forget.

No other witnesses have filed a report from the same area, so this must remain unverified.

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