The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Another half-cat mutilation is reported.

April 23, 2012
Another horrific cat mutilation has been reported, this time from Alabama. There are now thousands of cases of cat mutilations worldwide, and so far no responsible party has ever been found despite vigorous investigations in over a dozen cities over the... continued

2 unknowns appear to come close to a plane in the UK

April 23, 2012
The two objects seen in this video may be military jets flying in formation above and ahead of the plane, but they could also be unknowns. continued

Another UFO taped from a plane window. This time Iran

April 22, 2012
UFO videos shot from plane windows seem to be becoming more common. Some of them are other planes, but almost all such videos show an angle of some sort where the tailplane would be. There is no tailplane shadow in... continued

Unusual object near Korean DMZ

April 21, 2012
This is probably a genuine unknown, but given its location and what has been happening in North Korea lately, we could be looking at some sort of monitoring device that is waiting for North Korea to detonate a nuclear weapon... continued

More than a thousand witnesses watch China UFO

April 20, 2012
According to this story, more than a thousand people watched this object over a period of hours. It was at times accompanied by other objects. So it wasn't a meteor, not with a duration that long. The object would appear to... continued

Men in Black caught on security camera in Canada.

April 20, 2012
If true, this is absolutely fascinating and most unusual. Men with no eyebrows, no eyelashes, apparently wearing wigs, with huge blue eyes came into a hotel near Niagara Falls looking for the narrator of this video, and he was able... continued

A credible abduction case from Puerto Rico

April 18, 2012
This story, presented here by Puerto Rican investigator J. J. Martin, has never been debunked. Like Whitley Strieber, this witness received warning of earth changes to come in 1988, but there was no date given. It's an interesting case and the... continued

California multiple witnessed daylight object.

April 17, 2012
Multiple witness UFO sightings are fairly unusual, and this one must have been quite noticeable to have attracted so many witnesses. Unfortunately, the photo that was taken is not good, but there is no reason to doubt the accounts. Silver... continued

Russia lighted UFO appears during day.

April 16, 2012
A lighted object similar to this appeared a few days ago over St. Petersburg, Russia. This object, taped during the day, has appeared over Lake Ladoga. It is unlikely to be balloons because the internal lighting seems too bright. continued

Costa del Sol expats claim military jets chase a UFO

April 16, 2012
With no video, there is nothing for me to evaluate about this story, but it appears to be a good witness report. Military aircraft have been chasing UFOs since the 1940s--the equivalent of primitive tribesmen shaking their spears at observers... continued