The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

UFO near Chinese space shot causes concern.

June 20, 2012
The announcer describes an unknown object that appeared near China's Shenzhou 9 rocket as it ascended with three astronauts aboard. The object is unknown. continued

Russian UFO, new shape.

June 20, 2012
Initially, this appears to be a plane, but as the video continues, the shape is revealed to be very unusual. continued

Odd magnetic stone. Perplexing…or not.

June 19, 2012
This video of a stone with apparent magnetic properties has been posted on YouTube. Problem is, it doesn't function like a magnet--at least, not one without another magnetic field nearby to cause it to move. However, the first part of the... continued

Strange daylight UFO over Lubbock, Texas

June 15, 2012
This group of objects recorded over Lubbock, Texas on June 6 could be balloons, but if so they are large, white and highly reflective. They are not normal weather balloons. The camera shake makes it fairly unlikely that this is a... continued

Trapezoid UFO photographed over Brooklyn.

June 7, 2012
Shades of the pyramid UFOs of six months to a year ago. This photo taken over Brooklyn last night appears entirely authentic. What the object might be is another question. A kite? Remotely possible. More probable: unknown. continued

Objects filmed from plane over Atlanta

June 6, 2012
These two objects racing past over Atlanta could be two military jets flying in formation, their outlines distorted by speed. But there isn't the slightest sign of any angle apparent anywhere, and they are white, not silver. Could be unknowns. continued

Has a new asteroid been discovered using Google Sky?

June 6, 2012
We have confirmed that the object depicted in this video is indeed present at the co-ordinates listed for Google Sky. If it is an asteroid, it would be the first one discovered using Google Sky. However, claims that it is... continued

Another strange solar explosion.

June 4, 2012
This video from solar observer Starseeker shows an interesting magnetic anomaly interacting with a solar flare, pushing it back into the solar surface rather than allowing it to expand into space. First, the anomaly is not a planet (it would... continued

A good UFO report and photo from Sydney

June 3, 2012
There is no reason to doubt a report when it comes with a good photograph, as this one does. This is just another catch in the UFO wave now sweeping the world. continued

Is the Aurora Scramjet real? Interesting video.

June 3, 2012
This video discusses the Aurora scramjet, a legendary secret aircraft supposedly developed between 1970 and 1990. I noticed an interesting comment on the video from none other than Whitley Strieber. Here is what he said: "Aurora was listed in the... continued