This video, contributed by an Unknowncountry reader, appears to be an authentic daylight UFO capture. The object carries out a maneuver that is impossible for a plane and unlikely for a bird. It is too far away to be an insect, and it almost certainly isn’t a drone, because of its shape. It appears to be avoiding something, perhaps even reacting to the fact that it is on camera.

This video was taken a year ago, but the videographer recently got extensive nighttime video in the same general area. Unfortunately, because it is nighttime video and there isn’t enough detail, we can’t determine whether or not it’s a quadcopter.

Differentiating UFOs from lighted quadcopters can be difficult if they’re off in the distance, as is the case in the night video. But this daylight video appears authentic to your Out There editor’s eye.

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Dreamland Video podcast
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