2023 was quite a year. Militarization and wars and battlefields distract much of the world’s attention from the imminent presence of increasingly unpredictable weather redirecting the way everyone lives.   

From a historic and political perspective “In too many ways, 2024 looks like 1914. The world situation is just too complex for comfort, and the political situation too unpredictable. And then there is the climate, which seems ready to surprise us in some disturbing ways.”  In Whitley’s Journal posted over the holidays, he leads the reader to wonder where this will lead us, as global citizens.  

The looming question of Disclosure, and the recently posed question of when and where to give voice to experiencers also hangs ready to be revealed.  As humanity answers this calling, what of the idea of Phenomena will be revealed?

Wondering about the environmental crisis is an inevitable concern, as many may choose to relocate or be forced to as rising sea levels, volcanoes, earthquakes, and other inclement weather make nature’s power impossible to ignore.   

The world is also facing global poverty and mental instability at levels not seen in recent history.  

“What would effective policy be?” poses Whitley – as global citizens how do we support our communities and a local and global level.   

Another area of the unknown these days is Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence.  Much will be revealed as discoveries and progress are happening at lightening speed.  

The potential for any of the above to lead the world into crisis is always there.  

Whitley writes: 

“It is up to us to save our planet and save ourselves. We have the intelligence, certainly, and the statistics suggest that we have the will. ”

Wishing a beautiful start to 2024 to all of our readers.  Stay safe, and take care of each other.  

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  1. I just found out that 2024 is a Year Of The Dragon, so there will be never a dull moment!

    1. I agree. I’ve monitored Chinese astrology, as well as traditional western astrology for many years…And I’m a Dragon (Water Dragon, to be exact). The Dragon is the only mythological creature in the Chinese Zodiac.

      It may get weirder in 2024 too, but also some problem solving and innovation too. Outside-the-box thinking is what we need.

  2. Health and long life to you Whitley and to the rest of the usual crew around these parts. Here’s to hoping that we get a real breakthrough sometime this year.

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