Some deaths are suspicious. Now scientists think that a couple of famous musicians from the past may have died from vitamin deficiencies!

The most famous of these is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who lived from 1756 to 1791, and suffered from many infectious illnesses including coughs, fever, sore throats, and other bad cold symptoms from 1762 to 1791, the year of his tragically earth death at 35 years old. Most of these illnesses occurred between mid-October and May. At the latitude of Salzburg and Vienna, where he lived, it is impossible to make your own vitamin D from exposure to sunlight for only about six months of the year.

Another famous musician and composer, Gustav Mahler–who lived from 1860 to 1911 and lived in what is today the Czech Republic–developed a sore throat in 2010 while working in New York with the Philharmonic orchestra. He was subsequently diagnosed with a bacterial infection that could have been prevented with vitamin D.

So don’t wait until the fat lady sings–start getting plenty of sun exposure (or Vitamin D) while you’re still young. And if YOU’RE the fat lady (or man), shape up, lose weight and start taking long, sunlit walks with the advice of Anne Strieber’s famous diet book, "What I Learned from the Fat Years," now available as an affordable download!

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