Is this some kind of conspiracy? Researchers say that doing housework can reduce a woman’s chance of getting cancer.

They found the risk of endometrial and breast cancer was cut by 30% from physical activity such as household chores and walking. Women who did chores for more than four hours a day had more protection than those who only worked for two hours. Women who walked for a hour a day, rather than just a half hour, also got less cancer.

Researcher Clare Stevinson says, “Some levels of housework are hard enough to have a physiological effect. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount of high intensity stuff. But the more you do, the better.”

Ladies: We not only need to throw off our own shackles, we need to be concerned about our sisters in foreign lands. And when we DO clean, let’s wear the right clothes!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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