Carteret Lights–An Astronomer Investigates…

August 7, 2001
Dennis Anderson, Director of the Wagner College Planetarium and a member of the Center for UFO Studies, dug up more information about the mysterious light formation that was seen in Carteret, New Jersey in July. He began his own investigation... continued

Whitley’s Last Book Signing Tonight!

August 7, 2001
Whitley's final stop on the Last Vampire tour is Austin, Texas, where he'll be giving a talk and signing books at Bookpeople, 603 S. Lamar, on Thursday, August 23 at 7:00PM. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old... continued

Meteor Brings Eerie Plague in India…or is it Even Stranger?

August 7, 2001
Shades of the biblical plagues and the 6th Century catastrophe reported on Unknowncountry last week, where mysterious yellow dust was reported falling from skies . A mysterious red rain recently fell in the Southern Indian State of Kerala, accompanied by... continued

Insight: Stock Crash Appears Possible

August 5, 2001
Reuters reported today that the Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein bank has warned its clients that revised US productivity figures due to be released Tuesday could result in a market crash. It is expected that the revised productivity figures will indicate that... continued

In Search of the Yeti Tonight

August 4, 2001
Explorer's Club board member Catherine Cooke will be discussing her journey to Nepal in search of the Yeti tonight on Dreamland. Ms. Cooke is the neice of Tom Slick, the legendary oilman who conducted the first scientific expeditions in search... continued

Change in Tonight’s Dreamland

August 4, 2001
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Dreamland show we planned for tonight will not be aired. We will air this show at a later date. Tonight, enjoy a Dreamland classic, Dr. Rick Strassman on the first officially sanctioned DMT... continued

Kyoto Surprise: Too Many Trees Can Hurt Environment

August 3, 2001
The Bush administration has received enormous worldwide criticism for its refusal to support the Kyoto Treaty on Global Warming, but new scientific evidence suggests that one of the treaty's key strategies may be dangerously flawed. The protocol gives governments the... continued

New Weather Control Powder Announced..but is it Already in Use?

August 3, 2001
A company in the United States claims it has invented a powder that can be used to remove clouds from the sky and even stop the development of hurricanes. The new product could help many areas of the world that... continued

Far North Record Heatwave

August 3, 2001
The far north town of Iqaluit in Canada is experiencing extraordinary heat. Temperature spikes in the far north are a sudden climate change danger signal, and the situation in this area is highly unusual. "We've had a really stagnant situation,"... continued

Ancient DNA Discovered…Or Not

August 3, 2001
Researchers in South Africa claim they have extracted the DNA of an early human. The microscopic traces of blood which yielded the sample are apparently from a 1.8 million-year-old hominid. If the claim is authenticated the DNA will be the... continued