Even if we delegate future space travel to private companies, they will still need fuel in order to fly around, once they used conventional means to get off the earth. An unmanned space probe called the Pamela, launched 5 years ago, has detected a field of antimatter particles called antiprotons in a thin band around the earth that could provide fuel for these craft ("Pamela" does not refer to an astronomer’s girlfriend, it stands for Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics).

In 1998, a mysterious man that Whitley Strieber calls the Master of the Key burst into his hotel room in Toronto and told him all kinds of things he didn’t know–but when he checked them out later, he found out they were TRUE. (The new, UNCENSORED edition of The Key, with a foreword that talks about how many of his statements later turned out to be true, is in bookstores NOW).

One of the few things that Whitley could NOT check out was MOTKE’s provocative statement that we are stuck on this planet because the parents of the child who would have given us the ability to travel into space was killed in the holocaust! The Key is in bookstores NOW, and you can get a copy that comes with a special bookplate signed by Whitley from our Whitley Strieber Collection. Antiprotons are created when cosmic rays collide with the upper atmosphere of the Earth, and now they’re just sitting there, waiting to refuel our spacecraft. Could this be what UFOs are using?

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