Floods in Europe, a tornado in Brooklyn: Due to global warming, extreme weather may be here to stay. the average temperature in 2006 was the second highest since we started keeping records in 1895. The warmest year on record in the US was 1998, and meteorologists say that there’s a 16% chance that 2007 will also turn out to be a record breaker, once data for the next four months comes in.

In the August 27 issue of the Independent, Michael McCarthy writes that this has been the wettest summer on record in the UK and says, “It’s the latest in a series of broken records which suggest climate change is here already?All of the smashed records are to do with temperature and rainfall?the two aspects of the climate most likely to be intensified by the advent of global warming.”

In LiveScience.com, Andrea Thompson reports on a new study that holds greenhouse gases responsible for more than half the increase in heat that hit the US in 2006. As McCarthy says, “[The climate] is now unmistakably altering before our eyes.”

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