How to dispose of radioactive materials is a major problem. It’s not just medical waste?it’s also the radioactive materials that power space satellites that we need to worry about. Jupiter has always been the “trash can” of our Solar System, absorbing the blows from space rocks that might otherwise destroy smaller planets (like us). Now there are plans to crash a spent satellite into Jupiter, making it a burial place for nuclear material as well.
Jacco van der Worp writes in that NASA is planning to send the spent satellite Galileo to Jupiter as its final destination. Satellites are powered by small nuclear power plants, using plutonium. Galileo was launched in 1989 to explore Jupiter and its moons, and found water on the moon Europa, which may therefore harbor life. We may want to visit it someday, so NASA must be careful not to make Europa radioactive by mistake.
No one knows what will happen when Galileo crashes into Jupiter, and some people are afraid that its power plant could explode on impact like a nuclear bomb. It could even produce a fusion chain reaction that would keep exploding until Jupiter ignites, becoming a new star. If that happened, it would send out radiation that would reach the Earth and kill every living thing.
Crop Circle researcher Marshall Masters points out that crop circles started appearing at the same time the Galileo mission was launched in 1989, meaning they may have an ominous message for us. However, other researchers have found that crop circles have been seen for several centuries.
What does our future hold in store? To find out, maybe we should do the numbers. Find out how to predict your future when Whitley talks to numerologist Shirley Lawrence on this week’s Dreamland.
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