Chinese characters are so complex that it seems likeeveryone there would be dyslexic. However, despite having tomemorize 6,000 different characters, only about 7% ofChinese children have dyslexia, compared with as many as 15%in the U.S. This may be because the languages are processedin different parts of the brain.
Chinese schoolchildren with dyslexia have problems in adifferent brain region than children using alphabet-basedlanguages like English. However, it does appear to beinherited, so the same genes are probably responsiblewhether a child reads English or Chinese. It can also resultfrom brain injury before birth.
Brain scans show that English-reading dyslexics misfire inthe region of the brain associated with awareness ofphonemes, which are 44 sounds from the English alphabet.Similar results were found with French and Italiandyslexics. Neuroscientist Guinevere Eden says, “We assumedthat all dyslexics probably were the same, but readingChinese requires a different set of skills.”
Reading is a major skill we all have to learn, but we alsoneed to learn how to trustour vibes?an essential skill for living.
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