A little over two years ago, we wrote a story about an extraordinary sunscreen that was available abroad but not yet approved by the FDA. It was so much more effective than we what we had that US sunbathers were importing it from Europe. Well, now it is available in the US.

The new sunscreen blocks the type of ultraviolet light that is linked to skin cancer, called UVA radiation. Current sunscreens only block UVB rays, the type of sunlight that causes sunburns.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

You didn’t read this in the your local newspaper, did you? You only read it HERE, where we report on things our own media likes to keep secret. It?s enough to make you believe in sinister forces!

There’s nothing sinister about Whitley’s wonderful new novel The Grays, although it DOES contain a lot of secrets. Whitley will send a free signed bookplate to every subscriber, so don?t delay: order your copy of The Grays today AND subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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