Seventeen typhoons in one season followed by earthquakeafter earthquake has caused frightened Japanese to drive upthe price of gold because they are buying it against hardtimes ahead.
Now more extreme weather has struck the island nation,bringing gale force winds and a sudden extreme temperatureincrease that is unprecedented in the climatic history ofthe country. At 11:29 AM yesterday, the temperature in Tokyorose to 77 degrees Fahrenheit from 38 degrees in just a fewminutes, breaking arecord for sudden temperature rise in the city set in 1923.
90 MPH gales were registered in central Tokyo earlier in themorning, marking the highest wind speeds ever recorded there.
12 people were injured and air and rail transport wereparalyzed. Drivers were urged to stay off roadways, andthere were widespread power outages. Citizens in northernareas were warned to expect extreme weather as theunseasonably powerful warm front causing the havoc continuedto race northeast
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