One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to LOSE WEIGHT, and if it’s yours too, here’s something you should know: The first step to reaching your ideal weight in the New Year may be as simple as writing it down–Keeping a daily journal of meals and snacks is one of the best strategies of successful dieters.

Weight management specialist Christopher J. Mosunic says, "Keeping a food diary is like exercise, it will always help you lose if you do it consistently." The writing habit "is one of the top predictors of weight loss success," and some of the country’s major commercial diet plans strongly recommend the write-what-you-eat journaling practice to their clients. Journaling about food intake on a regular base seems to function as a form of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Mosunic says, "I can split my patients into two groups. The food diary keepers and the non-keepers. The people who keep diaries are usually very successful and I work with them for about 12 weeks. The people who don’t are people I sometimes see for years." In terms of the diary keepers’ success he explains, "It’s not much different than taking notes in class. The more your write, the better you perform."

And here’s something ELSE you should know: Anne Strieber’s famous diet book "What I Learned from the Fat Years" is now available as a download! When she found her clothes were getting too tight she thought they had all shrunk, until she realized she had gained weight due to Type II diabetes, a genetic condition that manifests in late middle age and makes it easy to gain weight and hard to lose it. She not only discovered WHY some of us have this gene, but what to do about it, and after three years of diet and exercise, she managed to lose 100 pounds–and YOU can too! This isn’t an advice book written by a doctor or celebrity, it’s a diet book written by a REAL DIETER, who sympathizes with what you’re going through that has helped thousands of people to shed those unwanted pounds.

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