Swiss researchers say have discovered that a previouslycontroversial gospel, “The Gospel of Judas,” isauthentically from the period of Christ’s life. The papyrusmanuscript was found in Egypt during the 1950s or 60s, butis being translated, for the first time, into English,French and German. Its owners did not understand itssignificance until recently. The Telegraph reports thatresults from carbon dating the manuscript have beenreceived, showing that it dates back to the beginning of thethird or fourth century A.D.
The manuscript is written in the ancient dialect of Egypt’sCoptic Christian community. The gospel’s existence has beenknown since the second century A.D. Like the other fourgospels, despite being labeled “Matthew,” “Mark,” “Luke” and”John,” the actual author of The Gospel of Judas is unknownand may not have been Judas at all.
The Gospels were passed around anonymously for hundreds ofyears in the early Christian community, and when it cametime to name them, the names of the actual authors had beenlost. There’s no word about the content of this new gospel.Two other gospels have been discovered: The Gospel of Maryand The Gospel of Thomas, which many scholars think formsthe basis for the four Gospels that are widely read today.
Do we live in a Christian country? William Henry reminds usthat our Founding Fathers hadsomeremarkablesecrets. Be sure to hear Whitley Strieber’s excitinginterview with William on this weekend’sDreamland!
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