Ronnie Ponitac is a legendary rocker who partnered with Tamra Lucid in the group Lucid Nation. In the first part of this show, Whitley and Ronnie talk about rock and roll, and Ronnie’s profound roll in underground rock–and Whitley talks about his early adventures in the Chelsea Hotel, Max’s Kansas City and the punk rock mecca CBGB’s (who knew??) Ronnie was also assistant for many years to one of the world’s great esotericists, Manly P. Hall, and his reminiscences about Hall and the meaning of his legendary book “The Secret Teachings of All Ages.” 

Then they get into Ronnie and Lucid’s The Orphic Hymns, and real magic happens! What is music? What is it’s true power? Be prepared for Ronnie’s deep and amazing definition of what a hymn is and how hymns can change us for the better and forever!

This fun, wise and beautiful edition of Dreamland is going to wake you up to new joys, new wonders, and hidden powers within you.

To get the Magic of the Orphic Hymns, click here.

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  1. Wow, Ronnie talks about a hopeful future despite our many challenges, and how we can contribute to it. There is so much doom saying about the real challenge of climate change and the end of humanity, nice to hear that there may be some hope.

    1. I’ve been hearing doom scenarios being just around the corner since my childhood in the 80s. While I wouldn’t say just ignore the climate, or not try to improve our stewardship of the planet, one should look at all the climate alarmism with the perspective of geological time scales and what we know about the past in both much hotter and colder times than now. I don’t think making energy more expensive is the way to go – it’s essentially akin to a regressive tax that disproportionately affects those at lower income.
      California is leading the way in forcing people to adopt expensive technologies and restrict energy options without any care or concern about the infrastructure to support those options or how they can be made affordable and resilient. This summer, there were a couple of times when Californians were asked to reduce their electricity usage and not charge their electric vehicles. What happens when everything is electric?

  2. This morning, oddly enough, I found myself craving something beautiful to listen to as I sipped my coffee. We put on Beethoven’s 6th Symphony ‘Pastoral’, which is all about Nature.

    Years ago, I became upset when I allowed a friend to borrow my treasured, lovely, leather bound copy of Bulfinch’s Mythology…and she disappeared soon after… with my book. But, I remembered the stories, and had also studied Greek, Roman, and Norse myths in depth for years. Hearing Ronnie’s re-telling of the story of Orpheus was wonderful…and like hearing a much-loved, forgotten song pop up on my radio.

    Excerpt from ‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann
    “You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”

    Ronnie, thanks for blessing us with your knowledge…and Amazing Grace! 😊

    1. I learned the hard way – never lend out books you’re expecting to keep! I once lent out my Tibetan Book of the Dead and it disappeared into the Bardo never to be seen again!

  3. What a wonderful, informative, helpful and uplifting program! My deep gratitude to both of you!

  4. During this Thanksgiving week, one of things I am grateful for is being part of this wonderful subscriber family. There are so many gifted people in this community that share insights/wisdom in their posts. Also, I want to post something here that gives me a sense of peace/of surrender/of letting Go and letting God when I close my eyes and listen. A MOST BLESSED THANKSGIVING TO ALL/EVERYONE.

  5. I can relate to the collapse of making a living as a player. In the 80’s I did it. But no way today.
    CD’s are obsolete. Spotify pays .000000000000001. Performance fees are 1/2 what they were pre three years before covid19.
    We now play 12 times a year PT. Summer and carnival. I been at it PT now for 25 years and it’s the worst It’s ever been! Spot on Ronnie!!! So much to say about the subject I’ll leave it at that.
    Our Act:

  6. I don’t know Taylor Swift’s music but her worldwide music earnings just passed 1 billion dollars. Don Henley, formerly of The Eagles, started selling music directly off his website, and many more musicians followed suit. Others use YouTube, etc.

    Music is an important component of Whitley’s posts as well.

  7. A.I. has nothing to do with a hopeful future. Not sure what he’s thinking there. How about good humans, not robots.

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