There is ample evidence across our solar system of cataclysmic events in the past. Joseph Farrell, who has fascinated Dreamland audiences with his research into Nazi secret weapons, returns with a riveting hypothesis: the remains of ancient disasters that scar earth and the rest of our solar system may be the results of cosmic war, not natural events. Joseph will take us through ancient texts in the context of modern physics and modern understanding of weapons to advance his audacious hypothesis. This promises to be Dreamland adventure at its highest!
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Dreamland Video podcast
To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here.Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Hi Whitley,
Please upload the
Hi Whitley,
Please upload the subscriber-only talk with Joseph Farrell on COSMIC WAR IN THE PAST on 1/26/2008
Hi I’ve been a subscriber for
Hi I’ve been a subscriber for many years. In the past when searching the Dreamland archive If I went to an archived show such as the above January 26th, 2008 interview Joseph Farrel the page would also contain the link to subscribers special interview (if there was one). this current format is damned inconvenient. I’ve come this p[age to listen to the interview.I happened to remember there was also a special interview with Joseph but what if I hadn’t remembered?? I would have missed it because not only is there no link to the special interviews anymore there isn’t even a note saying one exists. There is a note saying “To see all the latest subscriber-only additions, go to the Subscriber Home Page.” Big deal!!! How the hell is a person supposed to know there is a special interview??? Every time I go to the Dreamland archive now I have also search the “Special Interviews” archive just to see if there happens to be one. It is real pain in the ass and I’m very unhappy about it!!! The old format was perfect. Why didn’t you leave well enough alone?? In all the years I’ve been a subscriber I’ve never said (or felt like)this before but I’m actually really PISSED OFF!!!!