As part of our new Communion Letters series, Coretta writes: Twelve years ago I woke up in the night to see three small, gray creatures standing to my right, near the foot of my bed. Though the room seemed filled with a misty, dim light, I could see the visitors clearly. One, a bit taller than the other two, seemed to be the leader and communicator. He/she/it held a slender, silver-colored metal rod about 15 inches long, bearing some type of markings, which they said had to be inserted in my rectum.
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Melissa wrote us a new Communion Letter about an experience she remembers from long ago. She says: Back in 1995, I happened to read a few lines of yours that I found shocking and wanted to write to you then, but, of course, life got “in the way,” and I never did. This time I decided I just had to contact you.
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We received a Communion Letterfrom Sloan, who writes: This is a story which I haven’t revealed to many people, as it seems incredible. In March of 1995 while asleep I was taken to a spaceship, or what I believe was a spaceship. I was sitting in a type of birthing chair facing a curved, very white wall with a bench along its surface. I was not able to move and could not even adjust my peripheral vision, but I felt that there were two large entities on either side of me, and that there was a large window behind me and I was somewhere in space. To my amazement, I wasn’t frightened.
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Chad writes: When I was in second grade, I had a very terrifying experience. Im 26 years old now and I still remember the events like they happened yesterday. Every night, for about 2 weeks, I would go to my room and get into bed. I would no sooner lie down, then all of a sudden I would hear a voice in my room. This voice always spoke in a language I couldnt understand and seemed to be coming from some sort of electronic device. Whenever I tell people about this experience, I say that the voice sounded like it was coming through a megaphone, but not as loud. Every time this happened, I would get so scared that I couldnt move. I could open my eyes the slightest bit, but I couldnt see anyone. I couldnt move my head from side to side, so that may explain why I didnt see more