Richard Daughty (aka the acerbic “Mogambo Guru”) is general partner and COO for Smith Consultant Group, serving the financial and medical communities, and the editor of The Mogambo Guru economic newsletter – an avocational exercise to heap disrespect on those who desperately deserve it.

Oct 4, 2008

Fed up with Fed credit By The Mogambo Guru.

The national debt, more correctly known as Treasury Gross Public Debt, shot up US$141 billion last week! Yikes! Don’t multiply $141 billion by 52 weeks because you will plotz at the answer, and we are so freaking doomed that I cannot chug raw tequila fast enough to dull the rising feeling of doom or the rising taste of vomit tinged with blood.
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(Tessa Dick was the late science fiction writer Philip K. Dick’s 4th wife. Dick’s most famous book is probably “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” published in 1968, which was made into the film “Blade Runner.” Note that he also had “visitors.”)

One of the last substantial conversations that I had with my husband Philip K. Dick entailed a synopsis of all the speculation in which Phil had engaged since his visionary experience of 1974, when he saw the world of ancient Rome superimposed on the landscape of southern California.
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Gwynn Price-Evans is a school friend of Whitley Strieber’s from Wales. He is also a privacy advocate and deeply concerned about the terrifying speed with which a police state appears to be getting set up Britain. He is an actor, and has appeared in many roles, including appearances in the Dr. Who television series, the film Vanity Fair and a stage production of Our Town, to name just a few.

“No Private Place” gives fair warning from a country that appears all too willing to trade its God-given freedom for the dubious security of state surveillance.

No Private Place by Gwynn Price-Evans
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My theory about “the visitors” is different from that of most UFO investigators: I think they are either time travelers, visitors from a parallel universe, the dead, or all 3.

Over the years, we have received many letters connecting the spirits of the dead with visitors. This type of anecdote is anathema to old line UFO researchers, who want the whole thing to be about the conventional concept of encounters with aliens who have arrived in space ships from another planet.
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