Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut and sixth man to walk on the moon, urges President Obama to continue moon missions as an important flight destination for testing advanced, next generation rocket propulsion systems, and close-to-home team building.

Mitchell, a strong proponent of a manned mission to Mars, sees moon missions as prerequisite for testing spacecraft propelled by advanced propulsion systems such as zero point energy, which are capable of eventual travel to Mars and deeper into space.

Mitchell confirms that, “It is the destiny of humans to, as Obama said, ‘live beyond earth for extended periods of time, even indefinitely.'”
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The world is presently being stalked by earthquakes. This offering is from a long time professional in the field of disaster rescue, BUT it is also disputed by other experts. Please read it, but read the expert opinion about it at Snopes.com, also. You can read Snopes’ article here. Bottom line: understand the structures you live and work in, and you will have a much better chance of survival.


My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world’s most experienced rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake.
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I predict that in the future, we will learn how to travel through time. This won’t happen in 2010, but it MAY happen in the next decade.

Every time I’ve interviewed a quantum physicist on Dreamland, I’ve asked them the question, “Is time travel possible?” and every one of them has said, “Yes.”

However, they think we’ll only be able to travel into the past, since travel into the future would imply that the events of the future are fixed and immutable, which would in turn bring up the old philosophical question of “Do we have free will?” If we decide that we don’t, then morality is a waste of time.
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From Brazilian investigator A. J. Gevaerd:

Date: October 23, 2009 10:32:25 AM PDT

Brazilian military document confirms UFOs “solid” and under “intelligent control.”

In the document detailed below, the following statement appears: “As a conclusion of the observed constant facts in almost all presentations, it is the opinion of this Command that the phenomenon is solid and reflects intelligence by its capacity to follow and sustain distance from the observers, as well as to fly in formation, and are not necessarily manned craft.”
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