This impassioned testament from a close encounter witness really lays it on the line, revealing what might happen if disclosure ever took more

This report was received from an individual who has had personal encounters with lighted objects in his home in the company of his wife, a multiple witness encounter of a huge UFO, and the apparent healing of a beloved pet. If you have had any similar things happen to you, please write giving the location and details.


On a Sunday in March of 2012, my wife and I saw at different times two different objects in the corner of the first floor of our living room in our house.
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The Revelations Symposium will be held May 17–19 at the Scarritt Bennett Center in Nashville. Presenters will be Graham Hancock, William Henry and Whitley Strieber. The ambiance will be the same as at the beloved Dreamland Festival normally held this time of year. We are hoping that the festival will be held this autumn, but at present Whitley and Anne are still considering this.

This will be an intimate, intensive experience with three of the most extraordinary authors working today, each of whom has fundamentally changed human culture and the way we understand ourselves. Each will offer two presentations, which will serve to bring us up to date about the key breakthroughs that they have all made in the past year.
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