Researchers with NASA’s Operation IceBridge aerial polar ice survey have discovered the presence of large meltwater pools and raging rivers across the surface of a number of Greenland’s major glaciers, a “concerning” development due to the early melt of Arctic ice in the season. Typically, this level of ice meltread more

High atop the Tibetan Plateau, a Buddhist monk ventured to Baishiya Karst Cave, a sacred Buddhist sanctuary, to pray and meditate. During his sojourn there, the monk, whose name has since been lost to the passage of time, found a portion of a fossilized jawbone, yet another “holy bone” thatread more

Tropical Cyclone Kenneth, having struck the southern African countries of Seychelles, Comoro Islands, Northern Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi, is the record-breaking tenth intense tropical cyclone to strike the Indian Ocean this season, handily breaking the 2006-07 record of just 6 intense cyclones. This storm follows close on the heelsread more