Destiny or Karma

September 25, 2001
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." These lines fill the screen at the end of one of my favorite movies, The Miracle at Morgan's Creek, when the hapless young hero discovers he... continued

Waging War in the Name of God

September 17, 2001
Last week I attended a typical charity dinner, celebrating the raising of $15 million to make needed additions and renovations to San Fernando Cathedral here in San Antonio. It was an ecumenical event and ministers from several faiths stood up... continued

This Time It’s Us

September 12, 2001
When the World Trade Center in New York City was reduced to rubble by terrorists on Tuesday, September 11, it hit me especially hard, because I lived in New York for 30 years and it will always be my hometown.... continued

Global Warming Reality

July 17, 2001
Global warming isn't our fault. It's natural, and paleoclimatologists have identified numerous instances of it in the past three million years, since the rising of Central America changed our ocean currents and destabilized earth's climate. We're speeding it up somewhat,... continued

Crossing the Border

June 10, 2001
We recently came back from a trip to a magical city, San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. It?s a beautiful place, with steep, cobble stoned streets, ancient churches and outdoor markets. Every morning we would walk into town, peering into... continued

Our Gurus

April 13, 2001
Since we've taken over Dreamland, Whitley and I don't travel much anymore. You can't go too far when you have to be home by Sunday (now Saturday) night. For now, we let our Gurus travel for us, because they not... continued

Home Sweet Studio

February 28, 2001
When we broadcast Dreamland from our office at home for the first time on Sunday, February 25, there were some unexpected problems. Our office is connected to our kitchen, and as I waited impatiently for the dishwasher to finish noisily... continued

A Wild Night On Dreamland

February 5, 2001
We knew we were going to have a good show last night, but we never dreamed things were going to get as wild as they did. Israeli journalist Barry Chamish talked about the mysterious death of Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair, a... continued

A Spiritual Journey

December 23, 2000
After years of searching, I've learned one thing about religion: it's a journey, not a set of beliefs. I was raised by atheists with an odd sense of fair play. My father found fault with nearly everyone, but he was... continued

The Election’s Done, Ho-Hum

December 15, 2000
On Thursday night, we invited a friend over to have pasta and watch "West Wing." After eating too much, we carried our wine glasses into the living room, settled down on the couch, switched on the TV and got--Al Gore's... continued