In many ways, I’m sad about publishing this journal entry—sad not because I have been wrong about something, but because I have been so very right. And what have I been right about? Very simply, climate change. From the publication of Nature’s End in 1985 through the Key and Superstorm, I have been right.

An enormously important paper has now been published that adds scientific credibility to the superstorm scenario and warns that such storms are not only possible, but that they could take place within decades. I am very much afraid that the paper still errs on the side of caution. While it was being written, Greenland melt was accelerating more dramatically even than it suggests, and it is likely that this summer will see completely unprecedented melt events there.

Our Climate Watch section, which we could not update in the spring because of the unclear situation, now states clearly and with conviction that the danger originally outlined in Superstorm is clear and present. To be specific, there can soon be storms generated in the central Atlantic that are completely unprecedented in history. They could carry sustained winds of 300 miles an hour. In other words, the energy equivalent of an F-5 tornado sustained as straight-line winds over a period of days or longer.

When might this happen? James Hansen suggests that it could be within decades, but that could change at any time, depending on whether or not runaway melt begins in the arctic. Personally, I do hope we have some more time, but I doubt that we have much.

Our efforts to arrest global warming have always been founded on the flawed assumption that human activity alone is responsible for it. As I have been saying now for half of my lifetime, we are at the end of an interglacial and need to plan for inevitable change. While it’s true that human activity has sped the process up dramatically, even if we were not here, it was almost certainly going to happen.

We are not sure why our planet is caught in this long-term cycle of glaciations, but it has been for most of the past three million years. It coincides with the rise of the land bridge we now call Central America, and probably has something to do with the alteration of the global current flow pattern that was in place before this happened.

Unfortunately, powerful corporate interests, some of which are now under investigation for apparently intentionally lying about their own research in this area, spent a great deal of money and convinced many millions of Americans that there was nothing to be concerned about. I cannot tell you how much hate mail I’ve gotten about this and how many people have simply tuned me out rather that face the facts.

I cannot say that I blame them. They’re scared and they want to turn away rather than think and plan and prepare, and being told the truth makes them angry. Nobody likes to feel helpless.

On the other side of the fence, environmentalists want to believe that the problem can be solved by known means. They listen to people like Al Gore, who advocate what I call climate change gradualism and human responsibility. It’s entirely our fault and we can change it if only we take action. 

There are two problems with this. The first is that the action proposed, which is reduction of CO2 output, needed to have started back in the 1980s to have had any chance of extending the peaceful interglacial climate regime that is now in place, and has been in place throughout human history. The second is that, even if that had been done, it would not have had the claimed effect of preventing climate change. It would only have delayed it.

So I have ended up without a constituency. Both the believers and the nonbelivers reject what I have to say. However, I should have a larger constituency than either the Koch Brothers with their climate change denial or Al Gore with his gradualistic fantasy. I should have the only constituency. This is because things continue to unfold in the ways that I have predicted from the beginning.

I think that the greater blame lies with people like the Koch Brothers, Exxon, Rush Limbaugh and the like, because reducing CO2 emissions would indeed have bought us some time. We no longer have that time, unfortunately, and there is nothing we can do to recapture it, not unless some new technology comes along that enables us to draw  CO2 out of the atmosphere—a lot of it, and fast. While there are some promising ideas, there is nothing on the horizon that can be deployed fast enough and with great enough effect to make a difference.

Because of my position, this website has lost a great deal of support over the years. Of course, it has also gained support. But it needs its voice to be heard, and the more time that passes, the more true that becomes. If there is one place in the world that has any chance at all of predicting a superstorm in time for people in its path to take action, it is Unknowncountry.

I need to refurbish it in order to give it more impact, to enable easier user access to its incredibly rich body of content, and get it broader reach. I need a bigger staff to do more writing and research. To find out how you can help me with all of this, click here. 

And don’t miss Climate Watch. The information it offers is not aggregated anywhere else in the world, or discussed with the candor and accuracy that we provide.

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  1. I’d love to simply blame the
    I’d love to simply blame the media for putting out questionable information about climate change (both sides), but at some point each of us must take on the mantle of discernment. That being said, there are also an incredible number of people that are preoccupied with matters that don’t amount to a hill of beans, and also a lot of people lacking in basic knowledge of weather, climate, physics, and science in general. In other words, a pandemic of ignorance. The fact that so many are totally disconnected from nature these days just adds to the problem. I also realize that it is just my nature to question everything and research issues, so maybe I should be less judgmental of others that are following their own true natures…People are people, or are they lemmings?

    I have my seatbelt fastened snugly, but bracing for impact is the worst…

  2. I’d love to simply blame the
    I’d love to simply blame the media for putting out questionable information about climate change (both sides), but at some point each of us must take on the mantle of discernment. That being said, there are also an incredible number of people that are preoccupied with matters that don’t amount to a hill of beans, and also a lot of people lacking in basic knowledge of weather, climate, physics, and science in general. In other words, a pandemic of ignorance. The fact that so many are totally disconnected from nature these days just adds to the problem. I also realize that it is just my nature to question everything and research issues, so maybe I should be less judgmental of others that are following their own true natures…People are people, or are they lemmings?

    I have my seatbelt fastened snugly, but bracing for impact is the worst…

  3. And what is there to do, than
    And what is there to do, than to learn to live as best we can? I remember Ed Dames with his “kill shot”, everyone frantically trying to find the best place to move to. We sit here in our soiled pants and have no where to turn but to each other.

  4. And what is there to do, than
    And what is there to do, than to learn to live as best we can? I remember Ed Dames with his “kill shot”, everyone frantically trying to find the best place to move to. We sit here in our soiled pants and have no where to turn but to each other.

  5. I find it amazing we’re at a
    I find it amazing we’re at a tipping point and few people care or realise. The lives we lead now, are probably already just legends taking root in the present.

  6. I find it amazing we’re at a
    I find it amazing we’re at a tipping point and few people care or realise. The lives we lead now, are probably already just legends taking root in the present.

  7. With all due respect,
    With all due respect, Whitley, you are blind to the “elephant in the room” as you take your victory lap around the track. It is inconceivable to me that you completely disregard the astoundingly advanced weather modification capabilities of the US military, and of course, NASA. With the use of HAARP (High frequency active auroral research program) technologies coupled with vast, global SRM (solar radiation management) aerosol spraying programs, it has been abundantly demonstrated that entire storm systems CAN BE CREATED AS WELL AS DESTROYED. This is NOT fantasy conspiracy theory bullcrap. There exists a multitude of data pertaining to this capability, including government geoengineering patents, congressional briefs regarding active geoengineering programs, close range film footage at altitude of military tankers spraying massive plumes of nanoparticulate aerosols, water, soil, snow and ice samples
    exhibiting highly toxic levels of all the same heavy metals known to be used for SRM programs and outlined in government geoengineering patents. Weather is being controlled and heavily influenced AT WILL across the entire planet by a vast structure of military technologies. To disregard this VERIFIABLE FACT is unconscionable for someone of your position and influence. Yes, Dr. Hansen’s recent paper contains many germs of truth as it relates to not only the timeline for potential catastrophe, but to the various intricacies and potency of climate feedback loops, many, many of which are now in play. But you have grossly underestimated the power and reach of the climate engineers. Please go to to gain a glimpse into the vast amount of data supporting everything I have said here.

    1. I cannot believe HAARP can
      I cannot believe HAARP can extend its tentacles all the way into Australia. New weather extremes are recorded each and every year around the world and it is no different in Australia. I have a friend that manages his own organic winery, extreme weather events like frosts that killed all the grapes of his entire vineyard when frosts have never been recorded before to the drought conditions, then freak storms delivering over a foot of water in a few hours washing away vines….This winery was handed down through the family and never in its 100 year history have so many weather extremes resulted in so much damage than in the last decade. If you look at the vintages across the 100 year span, the winery has delivered vintages every year until we get into the last 2 decades. The vintages have been variable and in the last 10 years vintages have not been produced twice! therefore no product and no income. This is one of many I could go on about. Whilst I am not going to discount government intervention with HAARP or other methods, it is clear our reliance on fossil fuels is what is hastening global climate change. I see a lot of positives with local energy companies diversifying into Renewable energies and one large company completely disbanding its coal seam gas enterprises. It is such a shame because I see a real change in the way we are tackling our approach to energy requirements. Unfortunately our governments are still thinking about how to keep the failing economies afloat that real change is being stifled in exchange for votes…

  8. With all due respect,
    With all due respect, Whitley, you are blind to the “elephant in the room” as you take your victory lap around the track. It is inconceivable to me that you completely disregard the astoundingly advanced weather modification capabilities of the US military, and of course, NASA. With the use of HAARP (High frequency active auroral research program) technologies coupled with vast, global SRM (solar radiation management) aerosol spraying programs, it has been abundantly demonstrated that entire storm systems CAN BE CREATED AS WELL AS DESTROYED. This is NOT fantasy conspiracy theory bullcrap. There exists a multitude of data pertaining to this capability, including government geoengineering patents, congressional briefs regarding active geoengineering programs, close range film footage at altitude of military tankers spraying massive plumes of nanoparticulate aerosols, water, soil, snow and ice samples
    exhibiting highly toxic levels of all the same heavy metals known to be used for SRM programs and outlined in government geoengineering patents. Weather is being controlled and heavily influenced AT WILL across the entire planet by a vast structure of military technologies. To disregard this VERIFIABLE FACT is unconscionable for someone of your position and influence. Yes, Dr. Hansen’s recent paper contains many germs of truth as it relates to not only the timeline for potential catastrophe, but to the various intricacies and potency of climate feedback loops, many, many of which are now in play. But you have grossly underestimated the power and reach of the climate engineers. Please go to to gain a glimpse into the vast amount of data supporting everything I have said here.

    1. I cannot believe HAARP can
      I cannot believe HAARP can extend its tentacles all the way into Australia. New weather extremes are recorded each and every year around the world and it is no different in Australia. I have a friend that manages his own organic winery, extreme weather events like frosts that killed all the grapes of his entire vineyard when frosts have never been recorded before to the drought conditions, then freak storms delivering over a foot of water in a few hours washing away vines….This winery was handed down through the family and never in its 100 year history have so many weather extremes resulted in so much damage than in the last decade. If you look at the vintages across the 100 year span, the winery has delivered vintages every year until we get into the last 2 decades. The vintages have been variable and in the last 10 years vintages have not been produced twice! therefore no product and no income. This is one of many I could go on about. Whilst I am not going to discount government intervention with HAARP or other methods, it is clear our reliance on fossil fuels is what is hastening global climate change. I see a lot of positives with local energy companies diversifying into Renewable energies and one large company completely disbanding its coal seam gas enterprises. It is such a shame because I see a real change in the way we are tackling our approach to energy requirements. Unfortunately our governments are still thinking about how to keep the failing economies afloat that real change is being stifled in exchange for votes…

  9. Whitley, neither you nor Art
    Whitley, neither you nor Art should in any way feel bad about raising the alarm with Superstorm. The fact that Dr. Hansen has vindicated your predictions, was a forgone conclusion. All I can tell you is that you are not the first and you won’t be the last to raise a flag of truth. You should be proud to have written Superstorm and raise awareness with Art – You tried and you should feel satisfaction in having done so.

  10. Whitley, neither you nor Art
    Whitley, neither you nor Art should in any way feel bad about raising the alarm with Superstorm. The fact that Dr. Hansen has vindicated your predictions, was a forgone conclusion. All I can tell you is that you are not the first and you won’t be the last to raise a flag of truth. You should be proud to have written Superstorm and raise awareness with Art – You tried and you should feel satisfaction in having done so.

  11. This is what I suspect.

    This is what I suspect.

    The elite want to flood the civilised world with desperate migrants just before global environmental catastrophe happens.

    That way, in the ensuing chaos, the migrant hoards will easily kill off the passive disarmed populations and when the environment re-stabilises, the elite pop back up and easily take control of a feral, dumbed down, remnant of Human population.

    I can’t help but wonder if they do this every time they know an environmental/cosmic catastrophe occurs. Some might say that this is an effective way to ensure continuity of Human civilisation.

    Taking a quick look of the Guanches, ‘white Indians’ may not hurt:

    None of these ideas are biased against one group one way or another. I am simply weighing up what I suspect with a shadowy and greatly hidden Human history, or at least the fragments of history that we can we can still just about piece together, to suggest an alternative Human past and possible future destiny.

    If you held secret, well hidden knowledge of our solar system’s periodic orbital tribulations then it would be easy to use this to stay on top… OR, use the knowledge wisely to ensure Human survival.

    The Architects of secrecy have a long and powerful reach and I know this only too well. I am convinced though, that they may very well be cosmic Architects, and if I am correct, I respect that.

  12. This is what I suspect.

    This is what I suspect.

    The elite want to flood the civilised world with desperate migrants just before global environmental catastrophe happens.

    That way, in the ensuing chaos, the migrant hoards will easily kill off the passive disarmed populations and when the environment re-stabilises, the elite pop back up and easily take control of a feral, dumbed down, remnant of Human population.

    I can’t help but wonder if they do this every time they know an environmental/cosmic catastrophe occurs. Some might say that this is an effective way to ensure continuity of Human civilisation.

    Taking a quick look of the Guanches, ‘white Indians’ may not hurt:

    None of these ideas are biased against one group one way or another. I am simply weighing up what I suspect with a shadowy and greatly hidden Human history, or at least the fragments of history that we can we can still just about piece together, to suggest an alternative Human past and possible future destiny.

    If you held secret, well hidden knowledge of our solar system’s periodic orbital tribulations then it would be easy to use this to stay on top… OR, use the knowledge wisely to ensure Human survival.

    The Architects of secrecy have a long and powerful reach and I know this only too well. I am convinced though, that they may very well be cosmic Architects, and if I am correct, I respect that.

  13. Four questions always come
    Four questions always come to mind:
    1. where is the safest area if there is such? A place that may buy one a decade or two?
    2. Where will be the worst region when the switch is flipped?
    3. When? We know that we are >400 pts CO2 and yet we hear decades if not centuries proposed.
    4. If one reads the Key or the CGSS, you can have two scenarios : 1. of extreme heat and 2. one of extreme cold passed on when the switch is flipped in a particular season.
    I’d like to review or hear more on that theory as a refresher and how it unfolds.

    These may all seem silly to some knowing what we know, that predictions on such a large model will be difficult, not to mention the eventual food shortages.

    I propose some applied practical theories for survival from our community of futurists.. any takers? At the very least , even though it’s hopeless, it could be entertaining….maybe a Dreamland Guest or show on this very topic is the way to go?
    Carry on…

    1. James Day,
      Count me in! I was

      James Day,
      Count me in! I was born in Texas and still live here. I have been thinking for a while of moving out of state, and for LOTS of reasons (The political climate may be worse than the actual weather and climate issues in this state!)

  14. Four questions always come
    Four questions always come to mind:
    1. where is the safest area if there is such? A place that may buy one a decade or two?
    2. Where will be the worst region when the switch is flipped?
    3. When? We know that we are >400 pts CO2 and yet we hear decades if not centuries proposed.
    4. If one reads the Key or the CGSS, you can have two scenarios : 1. of extreme heat and 2. one of extreme cold passed on when the switch is flipped in a particular season.
    I’d like to review or hear more on that theory as a refresher and how it unfolds.

    These may all seem silly to some knowing what we know, that predictions on such a large model will be difficult, not to mention the eventual food shortages.

    I propose some applied practical theories for survival from our community of futurists.. any takers? At the very least , even though it’s hopeless, it could be entertaining….maybe a Dreamland Guest or show on this very topic is the way to go?
    Carry on…

    1. James Day,
      Count me in! I was

      James Day,
      Count me in! I was born in Texas and still live here. I have been thinking for a while of moving out of state, and for LOTS of reasons (The political climate may be worse than the actual weather and climate issues in this state!)

  15. Ha! Cosmic Librarian.. ( so
    Ha! Cosmic Librarian.. ( so is my wife) One thing that’s keeps me from moving back to my beloved Gulf Coast (P-cola) is the amount of heat the increased warming of Gulf waters and thus more storms. Yes Texas scares me these days…hard to find pockets of blue or green.

    My best guess is such: Left Coast. The Atlantic is going to generate the mega storms.
    If you can have access to water and avoid drought… perhaps the NW or Canada is best. If the super storms hit with sustained winds of 300+ an hour you will have to be in the mountains in a deep hole…its bad all around. If we look to what has survived from ancient times… well its the pyramids, Manchu Pichu all at the equator and in stone.

    It’s all over now and I wish I could offer comfort, but I have none… its just a question of surviving the ramp up to the super storms.

  16. Ha! Cosmic Librarian.. ( so
    Ha! Cosmic Librarian.. ( so is my wife) One thing that’s keeps me from moving back to my beloved Gulf Coast (P-cola) is the amount of heat the increased warming of Gulf waters and thus more storms. Yes Texas scares me these days…hard to find pockets of blue or green.

    My best guess is such: Left Coast. The Atlantic is going to generate the mega storms.
    If you can have access to water and avoid drought… perhaps the NW or Canada is best. If the super storms hit with sustained winds of 300+ an hour you will have to be in the mountains in a deep hole…its bad all around. If we look to what has survived from ancient times… well its the pyramids, Manchu Pichu all at the equator and in stone.

    It’s all over now and I wish I could offer comfort, but I have none… its just a question of surviving the ramp up to the super storms.

  17. “Depending on when the storm
    “Depending on when the storm arrives, whether it is Winter or Summer, will determine whether we enter another Ice Age. The main brunt of the reason for the storm is that the North Atlantic Current, which helps maintain our current climate, will shift – allowing for Arctic air to plunge southward.”

    I’d like to know the mechanism of action for the winter/summer ice age.

  18. “Depending on when the storm
    “Depending on when the storm arrives, whether it is Winter or Summer, will determine whether we enter another Ice Age. The main brunt of the reason for the storm is that the North Atlantic Current, which helps maintain our current climate, will shift – allowing for Arctic air to plunge southward.”

    I’d like to know the mechanism of action for the winter/summer ice age.

  19. Super storm hits in spring/
    Super storm hits in spring/ summer= epic flooding
    Superstorm hits in fall or winter= ice age returns

    ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ ( the ark-lol)

  20. Super storm hits in spring/
    Super storm hits in spring/ summer= epic flooding
    Superstorm hits in fall or winter= ice age returns

    ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ ( the ark-lol)

  21. The climate engineers having
    The climate engineers having the most impact on this planet are all men.
    Granted we have horrible man-made devices to change the weather.
    Granted HAARP and chem-trails are a reality.
    The day to day destruction of the Rainforests all around the world are the major reasons things are falling apart. In 1970 banksters were just beginning to finance the clear cutting of the Amazon.
    The Amazon alone produced 20% of the world’s oxygen, was a carbon sink and air conditioner for the world. Today it is one half GONE.
    Since then the banksters have raped every other Rainforest in the world. We are ALL responsible. We have let them get away with it.
    All things change from the bottom up not the top down. When you push one thing down something else always pops up.
    If we wake up to this disaster the quickest way to heal the world is to get man out of the Rainforests and replant them.

  22. The climate engineers having
    The climate engineers having the most impact on this planet are all men.
    Granted we have horrible man-made devices to change the weather.
    Granted HAARP and chem-trails are a reality.
    The day to day destruction of the Rainforests all around the world are the major reasons things are falling apart. In 1970 banksters were just beginning to finance the clear cutting of the Amazon.
    The Amazon alone produced 20% of the world’s oxygen, was a carbon sink and air conditioner for the world. Today it is one half GONE.
    Since then the banksters have raped every other Rainforest in the world. We are ALL responsible. We have let them get away with it.
    All things change from the bottom up not the top down. When you push one thing down something else always pops up.
    If we wake up to this disaster the quickest way to heal the world is to get man out of the Rainforests and replant them.

  23. Wonder if Whitley moved to CA

    Wonder if Whitley moved to CA for financial reasons….or to be near the Movie industry…or tired of backwards Texas….or he wants to be on the Pacific side in the event the Atlantic freshening trigger happens?
    Maybe I’ll ask him one day.

  24. Wonder if Whitley moved to CA

    Wonder if Whitley moved to CA for financial reasons….or to be near the Movie industry…or tired of backwards Texas….or he wants to be on the Pacific side in the event the Atlantic freshening trigger happens?
    Maybe I’ll ask him one day.

  25. Am I the only one that agrees
    Am I the only one that agrees with Whitley 100%? He nailed it this time. Thanks Whitley.

  26. Am I the only one that agrees
    Am I the only one that agrees with Whitley 100%? He nailed it this time. Thanks Whitley.

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