Dr. Manuel Matas is a clinical psychiatrist with a mission to bring the “borders of the normal” into the mainstream and in the process to empower us all to believe in our higher natures and learn how to use the psychic powers that are part of human nature.

In this searching interview, Whitley explores with him how, as a scientist and physician, he came to understand that psyching powers are real and much more available to us that we allow ourselves to think.
At the end of the show, Dr.read more

Ben Moss is Chief Field Investigator for MUFON, in Virginia. He’s been researching UFOs for over 20 years and is unimpressed with the evidence that aliens are behind ufological phenomena, Now, he’s taking a fresh look at the classic Socorro UFO event, known as Project Blue Book’s best unsolved case. Let’s see what he’s found–and then let’s see where else this conversation takes us!

Researchers in Antarctica have discovered that the frozen continent’s ice shelves produce an audible sound when the wind passes over the surface snow, a haunting song from a landscape that remains alien to the majority of us. The researchers also found that the "song" changes as the surface conditions of the ice changes — meaning that this Antarctica aria might become useful in tracking the effects of climate change on the ice at the bottom of the Earth.
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