It’s been over a year since Jesse Herbert has been a guest on the show. When he heard the episode where Jeremy & Whitley recounted their trip to Esalen, and their meeting spirit channeler Paul Selig, he decided to come back on the program to sing Paul’s praises. Jesse has had life-changing encounters with Paul’s work and workshops. This is his more

As part of an in-depth investigation into the role big data company Cambridge Analytica played in influencing the Brexit campaign in the United Kingdom and the presidential elections in the United States, The Guardian’s Observer magazine has published the story of whistleblower Christopher Wylie, a former employee of Cambridge Analytica that devised the behavioral analysis software used by the company says, "We exploited Facebook to harvest millions of people’s profiles. And built models to exploit what we knew about them and target their inner demons."
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A joint team of researchers with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and private company Commonwealth Fusion Systems is predicting that they will have a viable nuclear fusion reactor generating electricity and attached to the electrical grid within the next fifteen years.

A recent breakthrough in superconductor technology that involves the use of steel tape coated with a compound called yttrium-barium-copper oxide (YBCO) allows reactor designers to shrink the size of the magnets that contain the super-hot plasma fuel within the reactor, making them more powerful, and thus lowering the amount of energy required to run the reactor.
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A recent post on Sputnik News reports that DNA testing on samples from the controversial three-fingered Nazca mummies is currently being conducted by researchers at the Russian National Research University in St. Petersburg. Although the more human-like mummy, nicknamed "Maria" by the researchers in Peru, has a chromosome arrangement similar to that of a normal human, the mummy still exhibits decidedly non-human features, such as three fingered hands and feet, and was found in the company of not only the mummy of an infant, but also a cadre of two-foot tall mummies that definitely could not be described as human.
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