First, famed UFO journalist Leslie Kean offers insight into the extraordinary UFO video just released by the Chilean Navy and why the claim that it is a jet contrail cannot be true. Leslie can be reached on FaceBook, and be sure to make a visit to If we ever want to advance UFO study into the mainstream, the UFOData approach is where to start!
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Leading UFO researcher and reporter Leslie Kean reports that Chilean authorities have released a remarkable, 9-minute video of an apparent UFO, recorded by two officers aboard a Chilean Navy helicopter. This video is being released after a 2-year investigation by the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), the Chilean government’s UFO investigative agency, and the Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC), Chile’s equivalent to the FAA. Despite having been thoroughly investigated by these agencies, their experts were unable to provide an explanation as to what the object in question is.
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Most of us are familiar with the theories that as humans, we’ve lost some a number of the natural senses that our ancient ancestors used to employ, ranging from our current concept of a "sixth sense", to the 360 senses described in ancient Egyptian writings. While many of us get by with only five senses to guide us, a company called Cyborg Nest is developing an implant that will hopefully re-enable one of these ancient abilities.
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 A new asteroid was discovered by the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission in November of 2016, designated 2016 WF9. While the mission finally decided to designate the object as an asteroid a few days later, 2016 WF9 presented an interesting puzzle: while it appears to be a comet in structure, it also lacks the dust and gas cloud that is characteristic of what we expect from comets.
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