Without Reason author D. Nicholas Breitbach joins us to tell us what aliens, his higher self masquerading as a guardian angel, and a member of the Council of 9 have told him about the nature of god, the multiverse, alien civilizations, and more, while meditating… and it sounds suspiciously like every ufological fantasy meme from the 80s and 90s. What inner voices are speaking to Nick? I report. You decide.

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This video from an infrared camera aboard a police helicopter in the UK shows an object similar to one that has been taped in many situations. In normal light, it is bright silver metallic with a darker area in the center. In daylight video, the object appears to be able to vary the shape of the darker area.

It was recorded over the Bristol Channel in the UK, south of Wales. Your Out There Editor notes that the poster left comments on, and has received the usual moronic responses. People fear the unknown.

The still image shows similar objects that were videotaped in daylight, the one on the left in British Columbia and the one on the right in Mexico.
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A Peru-based archeological organization has unveiled what they claim to be the mummified remains of a number of humanoid, non-human creatures, found in ancient tunnels in Cusco, Peru, in January of 2016. The remains appear to be of numerous individuals of different sizes, including a diminutive humanoid with a disproportionately large head, a skull from a larger individual, and a three-fingered claw that belonged to an individual that is estimated to have been nine feet tall.
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From Anne today: "The soul is the gardener who tends the flowers of life. The weeds he leaves to themselves." I then asked, what happens when the weeds choke out the flowers. The answer: "The gardener doesn’t let that happen."

This all got me thinking about the green man, the gardener and what the flowers and weeds of life may be. During her life, Anne taught often about the green man. She always said that Jesus had a wonderful sense of humor, and to illustrate that she would tell the story of Mary Magadalene at the tomb.
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