Daniel Foor joins Whitley Strieber on Dreamland for the first time in one of the most moving, beautiful and inspiring shows we have ever aired. He talks about what he calls Ancestral Medicine, which is about the healing one oneself and one’s troubled relationships with ancestors through the use of powerful insight and respect for ancient ritual methods of interacting with the souls of the dead.
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Automotive and spaceflight entrepreneur Elon Musk issued a series of tweets on September 4th that downplayed the threat posed by the nuclear ambitions of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, saying that the race to develop more powerful artificial intelligence is more likely to trigger World War III instead.
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An X-9.3 solar flare exploded from sunspot AR 2673 at 1202 UT today, blacking out shortwave over Europe, Africa and the Atlantic Ocean as X-rays and UV radiation ionized Earth’s upper atmosphere. The explosion also generated a coronal mass ejection. It is still being modeled by NOAA to determine whether or not it is Earth-directed. According to SpaceWeather.com, this flare ranks as the #14th strongest since 1976.
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