Researchers in Belgium have developed a technique that allows coma patients that are in a minimally-conscious state to become aware enough to communicate — for up to a week — using mild electrical stimulation to their brains.

Building on the results of a 2014 study that showed that electrical stimulation of the brain could briefly help raise the state of awareness in coma patients, a research team from Belgium’s University of Liège performed a similar experiment using longer sessions, where 16 participants, either in a minimally conscious or vegetative state, were given 20-minute treatments for five days.
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Laurie McDonald is a hypnotherapist, an abduction researcher and an experiencer—and the only experiencer known whose mother remembers being abducted while pregnant with the child she became.

Laurie is also a consultant for the experiencer support group FREE and mentor to support groups in the Sacramento, California area.

In this show, she tells about her own experiences and the one that her mother had before Laurie was born.

Then, in the second half, Whitley describes a 40 minute missing time experience he had on May 7 while walking through the Los Angeles airport, LAX.
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Every day,  more studies are published showing that psychedelic substances and plant medicine like Ayahuasca can have powerful health benefits such as the relief of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

But there are other studies that suggest that there may be much more involved in the whole experience of exposure to these substances, especially to substances like Ayahuasca.

Briefly, is there somebody there? Is "Grandmother Ayahuasca" a real consciousness that we can engage with when the ego is silenced and the doors of perception are opened?
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