A truly shocking and astonishing show on extremely strange events in the Antarctic. A naval officer tells us what he remembers, including seeing a huge opening in the ice in a no-fly area they were crossing with a medical emergency on board. Then he ferried a group of scientists who had disappeared for two weeks, and has specifically been warned not to refer again to this subject. As he put it, "they looked scared." When they returned to McMurdo, their gear was isolated and they were flown back to Christchurch, New Zealand in a special plane.
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Experiencer/researcher Jeff Ritzmann returns to update us on all that has (and has not) happened since he installed cameras all over his property. Cameras monitored by people like us! Then he goes deeply into the question of the possible source of high strangeness phenomena.

To learn more about and partake in Project Oculus, please visit: www.paratopiaoculus.com

To watch the video discussed in the show, click here. The flash of light against the ceiling is on the left and occurs 22 seconds in.
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Because of the physical limitations of silicon-based circuitry, there is an upper limit to how powerful a modern computer can be made. In response to this, researchers have been looking into other mediums to build faster and more powerful computers from, including using quantum-based processors, and neurological chips based on human brain cells. Another promising idea, based on DNA, plans to utilize the otherwise naturally-occurring computer of genetics.
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Archaeologists have announced the discovery of a 50,000-year-old sewing needle, made from bone, that was excavated from a cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains. This well-preserved sewing implement sports a hole for guiding the thread, and is still appears to be sharp enough to be used today. This artifact, however, has an unusual distinction, in that it is suspected that it was not crafted by a human hand.
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