A UFO that appeared over the Bronx on April 20 prompted 911 calls and a substantial amount of witness testimony. The video here is unexceptional, as this could easily be the evening star, which  Venus at this time, and shines brightly in the western sky. It’s also difficult to tell if the object in the video and the one being reported by witnesses are the same thing. One thing is certain, though: there was an exceptional sighting event of some sort  the Bronx on the 20th. Graded A, Probably True.
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This object is not acting like a drone, a balloon or any natural object. It could be a simple CGI effect, but if so an additional effort has been made to cue the comments of the witnesses. Unlikely to be a CGI effect. Witness states that this was made over the Westin Hotel in Virginia Beach on April 18 at midnight. B–Likely True

If you know of any other such sightings in the area, please write unknowncountry@unknowncountry.com
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This photo, found by UFO investigator Scott Waring, was taken during an unmanned Mercury mission on December 19, 1960. There is a possibility that it’s a reflection on the window, but the shape is unusual enough to suggest something similar to the famous Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO of 2007. Graded B: Possible Unknown.

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This photo, found by UFO investigator Scott Waring, was taken during an unmanned Mercury mission on December 19, 1960. There is a possibility that it’s a reflection on the window, but the shape is unusual enough to suggest something similar to the famous Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO of 2007. Graded B: Possible Unknown.

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