Stress, anxiety, depression – these are all familiar terms in our modern lifestyle. But why are these conditions so prevalent in society? Where are the seeds of discontent sown?

A new study, published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, reports that stressful situations experienced in childhood can have a lasting and very negative effect on our lives.

Some stress can be a positive thing; without it we would have no need to adapt or develop survival skills. But chronic stress, like poverty, emotional or physical neglect and abuse, can be toxic to our body and minds, becoming locked away inside us like a slow-acting poison.
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At first glance, this appears to be a Martian moon–until it is photographed in front of a distant mountain range, still glowing strongly. Unless there is a better explanation (and a believable one) coming from NASA, this is a genuine unknown, and on Mars! (The original of this video was hacked and destroyed, but another version is now available on YouTube. Your Out There editor would suggest downloading it promptly if you wish to retain access to it.)
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Jim Marrs tells us about his recent JFK discoveries, and why it is that what happened back then is so important for us to understand now. Beyond that, he goes into why it is that there is simply so much poison around us, in the form of dangerous chemicals, electronic emissions, bad water, bad food and much more.

What is this all about? What are the connections? Jim takes us into some very deep waters, but they’re where we need to go if we’re going to understand the truth about our world, and figure out how to live in it despite all the obstacles that we’re now facing.

Important show, don’t miss!
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Jim Marrs returns to Dreamland with powerful new information about Iraq, officially sanctioned drug running from the opium wars to the present, and beyond that to the fate of western empires, including our own.

This show offers unique insight into the world as it really works, not as the government and the media would have us believe it works.
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