This video, contributed by an Unknowncountry reader, appears to be an authentic daylight UFO capture. The object carries out a maneuver that is impossible for a plane and unlikely for a bird. It is too far away to be an insect, and it almost certainly isn’t a drone, because of its shape. It appears to be avoiding something, perhaps even reacting to the fact that it is on camera.

This video was taken a year ago, but the videographer recently got extensive nighttime video in the same general area. Unfortunately, because it is nighttime video and there isn’t enough detail, we can’t determine whether or not it’s a quadcopter.
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Whether the objects depicted in these ancient Mayan glyphs are UFOs as we understand them or not is an open question, but they appear similar to the craft the George Adamski drew during his sightings in the early fifties. In addition, the enormous amount of UFO activity taking place to this day over Mexico suggests that they might well have been seeing the same phenomena.

If so, then this has been going on a lot longer than most UFO researchers would like to believe. Your Out There editor thinks that the phenomenon is, simply, part of life on Earth, perhaps ongoing monitoring by advanced beings for their own reasons, or perhaps something that remains beyond our understanding.

In any case, the video is well worth a look.
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The fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has disappeared from the news cycle, but Malaysian police have announced that the reconstruction of data from the pilot’s flight simulator suggests that he flew it into the southern Indian Ocean and may have landed it on a runway on a small island.

If this is true, then that plane is almost certainly in the hands of well financed terrorists and represents a peril of epic proportions. Given the range of a 777–especially on that has been stripped of its seats and fitted with an atomic weapon that would be much lighter than a load of passengers, luggage and cabin equipment–the plane could reach almost any American city from a runway in central Asia or Pakistan.
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Mass extinctions have happened periodically throughout Earth’s history for a variety of different reasons, with the usual culprits being either asteroid hits or climate change. The Eocene extinction was originally thought to have been caused by climate induced issues, but recent evidence has suggested that the changes in the weather occurred due to a meteor strike, now believed to be the one that created the Popigai crater in Siberia. The resulting "impact winter" was caused by tiny particles blanketing the Earth and reflecting the sun’s heat, creating a global temperature drop that wiped out most of the Earth’s species.
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