A particularly reflective air seems to pervade today, on this, the third anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death. Whatever your personal views are on who perpetrated the worst terrorist atrocity ever committed; whether you subscribe to the theory that al Qaeda were responsible, or whether your beliefs lie firmly within conspiracy territory, the name of Osama Bin Laden will forever be entwined with the events of that fateful day, and the anniversary of his death has become just another annual reminder for those who lost loved ones in the awful events.

Can those people ever truly find forgiveness? Is forgiveness always appropriate, even for the most heinous of transgressions?
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After many years, Whitley has had another physical encounter with something that seemed to be nonhuman. Here he discusses what happened with Trish and Rob MacGregor, author of Aliens in the Back Yard, Anne Strieber, and close encounter witness ‘Sandy,’ who is having ongoing experiences.

It is extremely unusual for an up-to-the minute about current close encounters to be made public like this, literally as they are unfolding. You will not hear something like this anywhere else in the world. Whitley says, ‘that was the first time that I have, of my own volition, put my hand on one of them.’

Sandy contributes her own recent experiences to this discussion, and Anne Strieber adds insight from her trove of knowledge about close encounter.
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Trish and Rob MacGregor tell some fascinating stories from their new book, the Synchronicity Highway, including a startling synchronicity involving Edward Snowden, and a mind-bending prophecy of the Titanic disaster that appeared in 1898.

Did you know that 899 people who had booked passage on the Titanic refused to go because of dreams and premonitions? And why were the planes that went down on 911 nearly empty, on routes that were normally full?

This extremely unusual show also covers such mysteries as the connection between close encounters and encounters with the dead.

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The most common perception regarding the purpose of our brain is the major processor for all of our thought, that this is where an individual’s "mind" resides, along with their essence of self and identity. Certainly, brain damage can affect our cognitive abilities, substantiating the purely scientific stance that we are no more than biological entities without souls, but is that the full story?

A recent study that claims to be able to "switch off" brain activity suggests that the brain is ultimately controllable via external and internal sources, like a computer operating system.
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