A recent study suggests that killer whales and other marine mammals are far more likely to pick up sonar signals than was previously thought.

Scientists have discovered that commercially available sonar systems, which are designed to create signals beyond the range of hearing of such animals, do in fact emit signals known to be within their hearing range.

The sound is likely very soft and audible only when the animals are within a few hundred meters of the source, say the authors of a new study. The signals would not cause any actual tissue damage, but it’s possible that they affect the behavior of some marine mammals, which rely heavily on sound to communicate, navigate, and find food.
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Another among the thousands of UFO observations by credible witnesses. It’s hard to understand why we ignore the UFO phenomenon. There is no question that it’s real. The US government bears a heavy weight of responsibility for the fact that mankind is not gaining the knowledge that would come from proper scientific study of the phenomenon. Were it not for the resistance of the US Air Force, such study would have begun at least fifty years ago. It’s just a damn shame–and they should be damned ashamed, too, and the media, and the scientific community, and the idiot skeptics.
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The analysis of Clinton’s recent interview on UFOs with Jimmy Kimmel discussed in this story seems quite accurate to me. The author points out quite a few reasons to think that Clinton found the interview stressful. I thought when I was watching it that he was uncomfortable. I had the sense that he was lying, very frankly, and Ben Hansen, host of the show Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files offers a number of convincing reasons to suggest that he was, at the least, very stressed and perhaps even trying to telegraph–perhaps unconsciously–a truth very different from the words that were coming out of his mouth.
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This is typical of ‘slow fall’ UFOs. It appears to be a meteor, but it’s moving far too slowly. It could be a jet with its contrail foreshortened by the angle at which it is being observed. It could also be something unknown.
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