
Bradley Manning and now Edward Snowden have risked their lives and their freedom to disclose official secrets. Why? Is it right or wrong, good or bad? And what does it mean for the future? The US Constitution does not specifically guarantee a right of privacy, but the ACLU has filed a lawsuit claiming that the NSA’s Prism program is a violation of the 4th Amendment right to protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.
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A study published yesterday by the School of Environment and Sustainability at Royal Roads University in Canada suggests that conditions in the Pacific Northwest are ripe for another megaquake on the order of the one that struck the region 313 years ago and swamped most of the area with tsunamis and devastating quakes. The area in question stretches from northern Vancouver Island to northern California, and includes major cities such as Vancouver, Seattle and Portland. The researchers extracted sediment cores that they were able to radiocarbon in order to precisely date past megathrust earthquakes that took place along the Cascadia subduction zone.
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The storm system that developed yesterday over the midwest did not result in much damage. It has now moved east and will build again today, and there remains the possibility of tornadoes and damaging winds, including the high speed straight-line wind known as a derecho, which can move up to 80 miles and hour.

Weather conditions further west could lead to another substantial storm system forming over the center of the country this weekend.

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What’s a clairvoyant doing talking about Edward Snowdon, the NSA leaks and the way our world is changing? Well, when it’s Hillary Raimo, it makes a great deal of sense. In this riveting interview, she tells us just how deep changes in our world have come together to alter the flow of power in our world.
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