What would you do if you were a baseball player who was afraid to slide to second base because you might pick up radiation from the dust? This would be as big a disaster in Japan as would be in the US, since baseball is one of that countries most popular sports.

There has been a vast radiation disaster in Japan, and efforts have been made to minimize its effects, but now it is becoming more likely that radioactive material from the Fukushima reactor is reaching Japan’s cities (and playing fields).
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Hackers interfered with two US satellites 4 times between 2007 and 2008. These incidents involved observation systems which targeted through a ground station in Norway which are used to observe the earth’s climate and terrain (or is that just the "cover story?") 
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Allison Kruse of Pittsburgh has taped what appear to be UFOs changing shape into apparent airplanes, but the videos are not definitive. After nights when close encounter experiences occurred at the Strieber cabin, he reported in Breakthrough that a high-flying white aircraft with very narrow wings would silently orbit the house in the early morning. The story linked below has elements of both types of report.
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The White House has responded to recent petitions requesting disclosure of UFO-related information by saying that the US government has no knowledge of any extraterrestrial presence on earth and has never communicated in any way with extraterrestrials. At the same time, a Los Angeles researcher has stated that he has "proved" that the close encounter experience is a form of lucid dream that can be reliably induced in a sleep lab.
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