Bananas may help cure kids’ asthma. Blueberries build better brains. And dried plums builds better bones. Could there be better reasons to start eating fruit?

Going bananas may help kids breathe easier (too bad they may not be with us much longer). New research shows that children who ate just one banana a day had a 34% less chance of developing asthmatic symptoms. Early banana consumption may also be associated with lower risk of childhood leukemia. Bananas’ fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content support heart health. Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid which may play a role in preserving your memory and boosting your mood.
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Ever go into a large restaurant or department store and see an "employee of the month" poster behind the cash register, complete with a photo of the worker? While this may seem kind of silly to a customer, since there is no cash bonus attached to this (only stockbrokers seem to get that), it turns out to be a major motivating tool for the business–something that costs them nothing but greatly increases worker productivity.
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Going to the hospital can be DANGEROUS. The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that millions of people die each year from medical errors and infections linked to health care. They say that going into hospital is far riskier than flying. Out of every 100 hospitalized patients, 7 in developed and 10 in developing countries will come home with at least one infection, and the longer patients stay in an ICU (intensive care unit), the more they risk getting an infection.
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