Any news organization that dares not broadcast its product in places where it is illegal for it to lie, should not be allowed on the air anywhere. But it is hugely influential here. By trying to have that law revoked before entering Canada, Fox has admitted that it lies. But why do they need to lie? Is modern conservatism completely unsustainable without lies? If so, we need to get back to our roots, folks! Somebody has stolen a great American movement, and transformed it into propaganda. William Howard Taft and the others who made American conservatism an important political alternative in this country must be turning over in their graves.
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Anne Strieber learned that we use a specific part of the brain to tell time. A new study finds that the part of the brain we use for reading doesn’t require vision at all: Brain imaging studies of blind people as they read words in Braille show activity in the same part of the brain that lights up when sighted readers more

From the Hybrids frontispiece:

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The times when your bladder is full and you REALLY "have to go" is NOT the time to get out of your chair and run to the toilet, it’s the time to make difficult decisions (which you can also make while sitting on the "john.") Why? Because scientists have found that suppressing one vital need, such as hunger, sex or thirst, makes you better at controlling yourself when it comes to making vital decisions (if more companies knew this, then staff meetings would consist of people sitting around a table bouncing up and down with their knees together).
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