As we see so many home-grown revolutions taking place in the Middle East, Cuban dissidents and Cuban-American leaders have started to ask why Cubans haven’t followed the lead of oppressed populations in Egypt and Tunisia in overthrowing long-entrenched regimes. But political scientists don’t expect to see demonstrations for democracy in the streets of Havana anytime soon.
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Some new cars have special problems, including animal invasions. For instance, Mazda has had to recall 65,000 new cars because of an infestation of spiders in the hoses leading to their gas more

If ever there was a prescription for revolution, this is it. In modern times, not a single country that has experienced a division of wealth this dramatic has survived without great change. By 1780 in France, 10% of the population owned 70% of the wealth. Then a volcano erupted in Iceland, which led to years of poor harvests in Europe. The impoverished multitude got hungry and the rest is history. The same thing happened in Iran, and is now happening in the oligarchic dictatorships of the middle east. Worldwide food shortages are coming, and they could easily include us. People will tolerate all manner of abuse, but a division of wealth as extreme as is present in this country now has not been seen since the Middle Ages. America be warned: when people get hungry, they get mean.
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Recently we have received numerous photos and videos of apparent objects near the sun. While it is not the mission of Out There to do more than visual grading of videos, Mr. Strieber is concerned that our posts might spread fear during a time of so much very real change. Therefore, he has asked me to post this opinion from one of his video experts, a professional who has been in the field for thirty years:
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