An interesting photo. Of course, it could as easily be made of rubber or ceramic, but the whole presentation has a feel of authenticity–as a good hoax would, too, of course. For this reason, we cannot grade this A, but we can give it a grade of B until and if evidence of a hoax emerges.
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This has been a long time in coming, not because it was difficult, but because so many extraordinary weather events kept unfolding, and with them the need to update the narrative section. The narrative will now be updated quarterly as needed, and the indices on the left side of the page will be updated monthly. They also offer a structure that will provide a cosistent picture of northern hemisphere conditions, and a reasonable means of determining whether or not violent weather is in the offing. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to do the same thing for the southern hemisphere, but we do hope to expand Climate Watch to cover the world soon.
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Over the years, we’ve written about many other places to get fuel than out of the ground (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). How about out of the air? It turns out that car fuel can be created from the air using an enzyme found in common soil.
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Werner Herzog was allowed to film 6 days in Chauvet Cave, which was discovered in southern France in 1994. Many of the creatures depicted in the cave could only be found thousands of miles south, in central Africa, when the paintings in the cave were created 24,000 to 32,000 years ago, and some of them are of creatures entirely unknown. The public is not allowed in the cave due to the fragility of the art, and the film’s release next April is one of the first extensive showings of its contents.
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