According to Barbara Hand Clow, the major alignment of earth with the galactic center took place in 1998. This is what has caused the cascade of changes and the feeling of acceleration that has taken place since then. William Henry asks Barbara, what about UFO disclosure? She answers, ‘wouldn’t it make sense if we reunited with our cosmic brothers and sisters by the time the 8th Underworld ends?" While she doesn’t rule out revelations that involve actual spacecraft, her point is that the only people who are going to be able to communicate and understand are those who are engaged in the awakening process.
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An international team of astronomers has detected one of the earliest clusters of galaxies ever identified, located about 12.5 billion light years from Earth. Because light from such distant objects takes so long to reach earth, our telescopes act as time machines, catching this cluster in the act of formation when the universe was only 1 billion years old.
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Many people think we need to transform our politics here in the US. If you want to know what political side someone you’re talking to is REALLY on, look into their eyes. People normally glance in the direction that another person is looking because they’re curious to find out what caught that person’s attention. A new study shows that liberals respond much more strongly to these cues than conservatives do.
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