Bad news for 35 million allergy sufferers: ragweed, fungal spores and poison ivy are thriving due to rising carbon dioxide levels. Additionally, leaves fed by heightened levels of carbon dioxide enable fungi to reproduce more rapidly and spread more allergenic spores, leading to higher rates of allergies and asthma. Plant physiologist Lewis Ziska says, "Plant-based respiratory allergies are on the rise and increased levels of ragweed pollen are in the air. Climate change is affecting plants and human health, especially allergy sufferers." Climate change also affects allergen levels in homes, schools and offices. Not only are people allergic to outdoor allergies going to experience more symptoms, so are people with indoor more

When Paul, the man responsible for most of the New Testament, as well as for modern Christianity, had a vision of the dead Jesus on the road to Damascus, in which Jesus castigated Paul for bad-mouthing him, this started him on his entire ministry. We may think that the type of apocalyptic events that create great saints and missionaries are all in the past, but that’s not true–only the names have changed: Today’s great seers are UFO witnesses. In Acts 9: 3-4, we read that, "As he (Paul–then called Saul) neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him." (Note that many UFO witnesses not only see a bright light, but see dead people as well).read more