This is the first of a two part exploration of Andrew Collins’ highly controversial and explosive new discoveries in Egypt. Follow Andrew into unknown spaces beneath the Giza Plateau, and learn what this popular Dreamland guest found there. Then, next week, learn what he thinks all this have to do with human evolution and changes that we are experiencing in ourselves and our children right now.

An truly incredible journey from the most secret places of the ancient Egyptians to the radical changes in ourselves and our world that we are increasingly beginning to notice.

Next week, don’t miss Andrew Collins: the Stars

Andrew Collins’ website is
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So why don’t they? – Researchers who are studying communication in animals, in order to improve their understanding of how language develops in humans, want to know: Why are we the only animals who talk?

If humans are genetically related to chimps, why did our brains develop the innate ability for language and speech while theirs did not? Scientists suspect that part of the answer to the mystery lies in a gene called FOXP2. When mutated, FOXP2 can disrupt speech and language in humans. A new study reveals major differences between how the human and chimp versions of FOXP2 work, perhaps explaining why language is unique to humans.
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Update: 16 UN personnel confirmed dead, 150 missing. – Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive has announced that ‘hundreds of thousands’ of people were killed in the earthquake that struck Haiti yesterday. Measuring 7.0 on the Richter Scale, the quake follows a 6.5 quake the previous day in Northern California, but there is no evidence of a link between them. There was little damage in California, butmillions of people have been left homeless, without access to food and water in Haiti. To contribute tothe Yele relief effort on the ground in Haiti,click here.
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Other nations are doing this, why can’t we? – Someday EVERY household will be able to produce its own power for heating and lighting, using solar energy. Japan is planning on doing this by collecting solar power in space and zapping it back down to Earth and the countries in the European Union may join forces to create a huge group of wind turbines and solar panels in order to empower the EU.
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